Preparations for work

Proper organization of the workplace allows to accelerate the process of working to improve its quality and for a long time to avoid fatigue. Place, before being nominated to cutting and sewing should be clean, bright, smooth surface of the table (polished table could replace the oilcloth). At the table should be conveniently located tools and materials. Of particular significance is the work of planting. It is important that the distance from eye to the product was the best (30-40 cm) legs were on the stand, and the light fell on the product on the left side.
Before beginning work on the sewing machine, it must be clean, check correctly, the correct installation of a needle, filling threads. Sitting in a car must be straight. At the end of its recommended clean from dust and junk, grease and wipe. Under the foot should be a piece of cloth.
The quality of products and labor productivity also affects the selection of tools and accessories.
Hand needles are 12 rooms, describing their thickness (the higher the number, the thicker the needle) and length (odd longer). The choice of needles, as well as the choice of threads (a thin thread in line with their higher number) depends on the type of fabric and carried out the operation. For example, for very thin fabrics (chiffon, krepdeshin etc.), the threads № 100-60, needles № 1-3 (diameter 0,6-0,7 mm) length of 35-40 mm for cotton and fine wool tissue - the skin № 60-40, needles № 3-5 (diameter 0.8 mm) length of 30-40 mm.
It is advisable to have scissors and a set (a total of eight rooms). Bolshimi - № 1 and 2 - used for cutting thick tissue medium - № 3, 4 and 5 - for cutting tissue medium thickness and thin, small - № 6,7 and 8 - for paring parts and otsekaniya all threads. Comfortable in a pair of scissors, made of good steel needed to ensure that their blades were badly sharpened the entire length.
To remove merok and measure the details of products needed cm tape. To prevent a finger from the stick when protalkivanii needle into the fabric, should be used naperstkom. Its size should match the thickness of a finger.
Boundary line, and signs with discover and fitting cause chalk or pencil. Mel need to periodically sharpen, then all lines are thin (0.5 - 1.5 mm).
When the construction drawings using rulers, angle, lekalami.
For details and cleaving the transfer lines from one half to another product requires long pins 3-4, see They must be thin, sharp, well-finical.
The contours of the details of the paper to paper, from paper to cloth and fabric on paper can carry chisel.
With the help of wood, bone or metal pickets cylindrical shape with special end (length 100 - 120 mm, diameter of 7 mm) correct angles board, collar, loops, shaped joints, remove basting.
Ironing (ironing) - an important part of sewing process. In addition to iron need ironing board, cover a thin layer of batting (1,25-1,5 meters in length, width 22 - 25 cm), and ironing pillow on which utyuzhat separate products. Pillow can be stapled of linen fabric, well-designed high temperature, and tightly fill small trim fabric or batting. The size of a large cushion 35-40 X H20-22 cm, narrow hand hose-35-40 X 12-15 see Ugly should skruglit.

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